Wednesday, April 28, 2010


So as I've been reading around on the internet today doing my normal catching up on my rss feeds, blogs, and favorite sites  - one thing has really stuck out to me, LISTS.   I see them everywhere nowadays.  10 ways to get this. . 5 steps to create ____. . . 15 easy points to make. .  etc. You get the point.  But my question is, "Do they really work?" and 'Do people actually do them?"  I mean, all of us havel clicked on the links and read a few if not all of the points, but do we ever really attempt to follow every step, in order? - I'm going to guess not, but what I do think is that they have good direction in their purpose.

Most of the lists I see are ways to improve upon our life or interaction with others.  One to mention that I've started (today) doing was waking up earlier.  I know some of us (Shelby) have a particular infatuation with the bed and that warm fuzzy feeling that lingers in the sheets every morning, but I think a little part of everyone has had one good experience with rising early.

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” – Ben Franklin

10 Benefits of Rising Early (shortened version, click title to see full version)

1. Greet the Day

2. Amazing Start

3. Quietude

4. Sunrise

5. Breakfast

6. Exercise

7. Productivity

8. Goal Time

9. Commute

10. Appointments

But if you're not down with the early morning stuff just remember what Twain said, "“Put no trust in the benefits to accrue from early rising, as set forth by the infatuated Franklin …” 


Joe and Breana said...

yeah its all good except when you have an hour commute each way. then mornings suck.

Joe and Breana said...

Ha ha, gotta love Joe's comment!=) I can attest to arising early! Before I got these jobs I would sleep until 9 or 10 sometimes and then I still wouldn't have much energy during the day. Now, I wake up for work before the sun rises and I am so much more productive throughout the day! I don't sleep in late on my days off and I get so much more accomplished and I have a lot more energy! Every now and then on the weekend it's nice to catch some more zzz's and enjoy that cozy feeling between the sheets=)

Julie said...

I love the benefits of rising early. It's just when I don't get enough sleep before getting up that's the problem! :) 6 a.m. runs are the best though.